Wednesday, January 13, 2010


So here I am, in Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom. There has been snow, there has been rain, and there has been a “wintry mix” since my arrival Sunday night. After finally landing in Newcastle International Airport, collecting my luggage, and wandering around until I found the group of students scheduled for pick-up with the Meet and Greet Program, i got my first taste of the weather. It was a shock. Freezing temperatures, snow falling, piles of ice and snow on the ground, and wind I wasn’t prepared for were, nonetheless, what I found.

I made my way to my dorm, making small talk with one other first term student. I finally sat down in my own room days after I started the journey.

The first night was incredibly difficult. I was missing my family, my friends and loved ones, the comfort and familiarity of home, and the warmth of Florida. I will not say that it is easier now, but then again it has only been a few days. One of my best friends reassured me that feelings change over time, and even though I cannot imagine not being lonely now, that could change tomorrow or the next day or any time.

Today is Wednesday. I have gotten a roommate nicknamed Ash. I have turned in lots of paperwork, gotten the process started to get a local bank account, gotten on of my Student ID cards, put my books on the shelves, and unpacked all two pieces of luggage. My room is sparse and I love the simplicity.

My initial impressions of Newcastle are that this is a city I think I will like. The city center (excluding the suburbs) is extremely small, with a radius of only a little over a mile. There is an extensive and efficient public transportation system including a metro and a bus. The people seem friendly enough. I can get to the beach on the metro in probably 25 minutes. There is an extensive and serious pub/club atmosphere. Really, the only downside that i have found so far is the weather.

After three days of orientation, and two more to come, I am starting to become more and more anxious about school starting. My textbooks are looming over me. I am worried. But I am excited to start learning exactly what it is I want to do with my life. I am excited to learn how to take care of people. Today, sitting in a Substance Abuse lecture of all things, I realized how real this was becoming. I should say, how real this is. I am finally at the edge of the most important formal education I will probably ever receive. I am finally about to start doing what it is i have been dreaming of, planning for, and preparing for. I miss my family and friends and loved ones more than I could ever express, but I am excited to start on this journey that I have been waiting for for so long.